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6 Best Tips For Eating Plant-Based On A Budget

It is not as difficult as it may appear to eat only plant-based foods on a limited budget. We have a number of fantastic money-saving suggestions for you, whether you want to begin observing Meatless Monday or transition to a vegan diet entirely.

Over the past few years, plant-based diets have seen an incredible surge in popularity due to the growing body of evidence indicating that reducing our consumption of meat and increasing our consumption of plants is essential for both our health and the environment. It certainly doesn’t hurt to have resounding endorsements from fit celebs such as Beyonce, the Williams sisters, Carrie Underwood, and Meghan Markle, either!

Since I stopped eating animals five years ago, I’ve noticed a significant increase in the variety of vegan proteins, cheeses, and yogurts available in the supermarket near me. Despite the fact that this is very exciting, customers may be led astray into believing that eating a plant-based diet means spending more money as a result of the high cost of these options. In point of fact, consuming a plant-based diet can help you save a significant amount of money (even if you simply prepare a couple of plant-based meals each week)!

Since I’ve been buying and cooking for myself for the past few years, and now that I’ve added a partner to the equation, I’ve figured out how to spend less money than I did when I was eating meat and dairy. I’ve compiled a list of my go-to strategies for reducing the amount I spend on groceries without sacrificing the quality or quantity of the meals I prepare.

Shop for in-Season Produce

Produce is an essential item on a vegan’s shopping list, in fact, it accounts for almost 70 percent of the items I buy every week. It is crucial to buy for produce that is in season in order to reduce your food expenditure to a minimum. This is because the produce will cost less to cultivate and will not have to travel as far to get to your neighborhood grocery store.

Buying food when it is in season will not only save you money but will also help you prepare meals that are more flavorful and gratifying. It is common knowledge that berries grown locally in June have a flavor that is 10 times superior to those grown in Mexico in the winter. When you consider how beneficial it is for your budget, your taste buds, and the environment for you to shop for and consume food when it is in season, you might wonder why you didn’t start doing so earlier.

Don’t Fear the Middle Aisles

Whoever said that shoppers should stick to the aisles around the store’s perimeter was either mistaken or shopping with an unlimited grocery budget, because the aisles in the store’s interior contain some of the foods that are the most beneficial to one’s health while also being the most friendly to one’s wallet. The so-called “unhealthy” middle aisles of the grocery store are where you’ll find vegan pantry essentials like whole-grain pasta, rice, nuts, seeds, legumes, and bread.

Put some blinders on when you walk past the Oreos (even though they are “oddly” vegan), so that you can keep your attention on some incredible components that are full of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. These foods are inexpensive, adaptable, and have a long shelf life, all of which contribute to the reduction of food waste. Because a serving of beans only costs around a quarter of a dollar, I always make sure to buy several cans of beans during the week so that I can add more volume to my soups, grain bowls, and salads.

Buy in Bulk

When you can, it is in your best financial interest to make purchases in large quantities, regardless of whether you are a devoted customer of Whole Foods or Costco. It’s possible to spend a lot of money on vegan necessities like almond butter and chia seeds, but you don’t have to if you know where to purchase and how to compare prices.

These microwavable pouches of organic quinoa and brown rice blends can cost anywhere from $5 to $7 for two servings, yet you can purchase a massive bag for only half of that amount. Even though it will take a little longer to cook, the money that will be saved each and every week will make it worthwhile.

Even more pricey businesses, like Whole Foods, have bulk bins that are perfect for stocking up on kitchen essentials. If you want to get the best bargains, head to Costco, which almost always has some really outstanding deals. Shopping for nut butter, whole grains, nuts, and seeds is one of my favorite things to do.

Plan Out Your Meals

The simple act of planning out one’s meals in advance can help one save both time and money, and the process takes no more than fifteen minutes. To figure out what a reasonable menu for the week would look like, I consult some of my most-used cookbooks, browse through the meals that I’ve recently pinned on Pinterest, and think about my plans for the next week.

It is necessary for me to plan out my meals in order to reduce the amount of money I spend on groceries. Not only does this help me stay on target, but it also prevents me from purchasing more food than I actually require. If I truly have a plan to use the carton of spinach that I bought, there is a much lower chance that I will let it go to waste over the course of the entire week. Planning my meals not only helps me eat healthier, but it also guarantees that I am providing my vegan body with the nutrition it requires.

Cut Down on Processed Foods

It’s common to hear that plant-based diets are pricey, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Specialty vegan dishes are intriguing and enjoyable to try, but they may be quite expensive. They frequently don’t differ in terms of health from their original, “non-vegan,” versions. For instance, Impossible Burgers actually have higher levels of salt and saturated fat than a regular beef burger. Yikes.

Instead, choose less expensive, healthier alternatives like homemade bean burgers and strawberry lovely cream. Ditch the Beyond Burgers and pints of Ben and Jerry’s Non-Dairy. Both your bank account and body will appreciate you.

Fill Up Your Freezer

For vegans on a tight budget, the frozen aisle is a treasure trove. Compared to the more expensive out-of-season produce, organic fruits and vegetables that were collected at the peak of their season can be found for a wonderful price. The fact that you don’t have to consume a bag of peas or a pineapple within a week when you buy some of your vegetables from the freezer section also helps you save money.

Rice, quinoa, breads, and other affordable whole-grain staples can be found in the freezer area. Finally, you can substitute these pre-cooked frozen choices for those pricey, sodium-filled microwaveable packets.

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